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Let’s talk age gaps

Let’s dive straight into our next topic which is age gaps! Do you think age matters when it comes to a relationship? Is it make or break? Keep reading to find out more…

In today’s article I’m going to be talking about age gaps and if age really does matter in dating in today’s generation. Now think about this, if you met someone who was 10 years older than you, would you write it off or is it something that you would pursue? Now think again if you said no what is the main reason behind this? I know that personally I would not date someone if they were more than 5 years older than me and that’s purely down to me knowing that we would be in different places in our lives and the expectations would be very different. I feel like when you’re in your 20’s most people tend to focus on their career as well as mingling and meeting new people. Then when you’re in your 30’s you tend to start thinking more about the future, settling down, having children and being able to financially support yourself, partner and family. Some would say it’s a whole different ball game. I think it very much depends on your outlook on life and if you expect things to happen at a certain age. However, I do know of some people who are happily married that have up to a 10 year age gap. I honestly believe it depends on the people and if it doesn’t matter to them, then realistically it shouldn’t matter to other people. If they don’t see an issue in the age, it’s most likely because there isn’t one and they see each other as they are which are two humans in love that want to spend their lives together. If they are on the same page about what they are looking for then honestly people should be more happy and supporting to it rather than looking at it in a negative way. There will always be people in life who have something to say or have a judgement about the way you choose to live your life. It’s very easy to find problems and issues within situations, but if you whittle it down to the main importance which is love that is all that should matter. I’m sure a lot of you are thinking why not just date someone your own age right? But why limit yourself? It shouldn’t matter if they are older or younger but more about what they are like as a person. If you are really hung up on age you might miss out on an amazing person that would be the missing piece to your puzzle. Age is just a number. What you are looking for could be in someone that’s completely out of your age range.

The world is full of endless possibilities and if you allow yourself to not fixate on things like age, you have a higher chance of finding someone you connect with on a deeper level that could potentially be your soulmate.

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