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Overcoming First Date Nerves and Jitters

Our very first blog written by Kismet Konnection's very own in-house author. Giving you the low-down on what's hot in the dating world. It's time for you to get settled in, and pour yourself into our blogs.

Today I’d thought I’d bring you a piece that I thought might help people when it comes to dating. Let’s talk about first dates! These can be seen as quite nerve racking especially for those people who find it harder to put themselves out there. Don’t worry this is completely normal! Everyone gets nervous, especially when meeting someone new or doing something outside of their comfort zone. However, there are certain things that can be done to help these initial nerves.

I’m going to be talking to you about little tips and tricks that I have used from my own personal experience that has helped me overcome some of these nerves. So hopefully they help you!

Firstly, I always try to make sure that I don’t over analyze the upcoming date and things that can possibly go wrong on it, and I know it’s not just me who does this! The only reason I advise against this is because it ends up creating more stress in your mind that’s not needed and worrying will only get you so far. Instead of focusing on potential negatives its best to focus on the positives because this will help you feel more hopeful of what’s to come and the possible exciting future.

When preparing for a first date I also make sure that I drink a large glass of water before leaving to calm any nerves or anxiety. I would recommend taking a water bottle with you if you can just for those moments when you feel a bit nervous, taking a sip of water will help you feel a bit more at ease.

Also, always ensure that when meeting someone new for the first time you meet somewhere that’s both comfortable for you both and safe. The reason I say this is because you really don’t know much about this person you’re speaking to online so meeting somewhere that’s in a public place might make you feel safer but also a place that one of you feels familiar with and knows.

Another tip is to wear something you feel comfortable in and feel the best in. I say this because you want to feel 100% in the outfit you’re wearing because it will give you more confidence on the date. So if you’re ever needing some first date outfit inspiration feel free to message me and I’ll help you to look your very best for your upcoming date! Even if you’re a woman who wants some tips on makeup I’m more than happy to give you product recommendations.

Also I find that having a phone call or facetime call prior to the meetup helps to ease the tension and break the ice before the face to face meet up. Most of us who have been talking to a potential during lockdown has probably already done this but if you haven’t I do recommend suggesting it. It will always help you to get used to the way they speak and get a feel for their character a bit more. I know it’s easier to talk over message than talking on the phone but calling Is the closest thing to meeting and you can really learn a lot more about a person over something as simple as a 10-minute phone call conversation.

Also, I wanted to mention the stigma around the man paying for the date. I always have felt that there is no need for this and would rather just pay half because we are both out enjoying the date and if things don’t work out then there is no issue. However, I do understand that everyone is different and some do believe that a man should always pay on the first date. I do believe to do whatever feels comfortable and natural to you but talk about expectations beforehand especially when it comes to money.

Moreover, if you are someone who is struggling with money but still wants to go on a date there are so many ideas that I can share with you that would mean a lot but hardly cost anything! I would suggest maybe a coffee date in your local area whilst sitting on a bench near a canal and then a romantic stroll after. Or even a glass of wine and a home cooked meal in the garden.

Hope you all find this helpful!

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